Thursday, August 30, 2007

Knitting up a storm...

In Blowing Rock, NC is a great little yarn shop named Dee's Yarn Nook. While there I bought three different yarns in order to make two scarves. I'm hoping that as scarf making should be easy and go quickly that it won't take me long to whip these out...we'll see. Anyway, on sale for only $3 a skein was the Berroco Quest yarn. I purchased the Rose Glow and Hot Toddy colors.

Quest - Rose Glow

Quest - Hot Toddy

There was only one skein of the Hot Toddy left so I've decided to try and make a striped scarf. Not with horizontal stripes, but one with three vertical stripes. The middle stripe will be the Hot Toddy, and the outer stripes will be the Rose Glow, they complement each other very well. With any luck, it will look something like this....

(taken from my new scarf book)

The other ball of yarn that I bought was not on sale, but I couldn't resist. It's Prism's Trieste yarn, and the color is Woodlands.

I love it, and I'm going to make a special scarf for my mom, a zig-zaggy one! These are pictures from my new scarf book, Scarves - a knitter's dozen by XRX Books (ISBN: 1893762238). I think it's going to be an awesome scarf to go with jeans.

This is a close up of the scarf. Doesn't it look fun?

We'll see if I can get this done by Christmas...I mean, I have plenty of time, but who knows what can happen between now and then. I'll start on it soon though. Wish me luck!

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