Friday, February 29, 2008

I want one!

I'm a big fan of laser tag, and this makes it even cooler.

Halo 3 Life-Size Plasma Weapons

Plasma Pistol
o Features: Laser tag battle action; game accurate lights and sounds; overheat function with pop up panel; regular and super shot; LCD ammo counter; force feedback recoil with each shot fired; separate target/shield generator unit with belt clip
o Batteries Pistol: 4 AA (included); Target/Shield Generator: 3 AA (not included)
o Dimensions: approx. 11.5" x 8.5" x 3"

Plasma Rifle
o Features: Laser tag battle action; game accurate lights and sounds; overheat function with pop out panel; rapid fire shooting; LCD ammo counter; force feedback recoil with each shot fired; separate target/shield generator unit with belt clip

Thank you ThinkGeek! You are soo awesome!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008



Another quiz lifted from my boyfriend's blog, but he only got a score of 94%! Of course what does that say about me? I'm really not a drinker though....

Thoughts on Neil Gaiman's Stardust

I have not read any of Gaiman's books, but last night I set up the cycling trainer that my friend Dan let me borrow so that I could cycle while watching and a movie, and the movie I chose was Stardust.

I really enjoyed the fairy tale story of Stardust and the idea of a world beyond a wall, stars that fall as people, and pirates that poach lightening bolts from thunderclouds.

The part that I really enjoyed the most was hearing Neil Gaiman talk about how he got the ideas for writing the book, and it made me rather envious of his ability to put down his imaginings on paper and profit from it. I tend to indulge in my own fanciful notions on a daily basis, and I'm beginning to think that perhaps if I just wrote them down and developed them that perhaps I could have a writing career. I would not perhaps be the next J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman, but perhaps there is a place for my fancies on your shelf. I think that is something I'm going to develop for the future, a little notebook of ideas for possible writing fodder. We'll see if it gets me anywhere. You just never know.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I must be insane...

I have signed up to do a triathlon sprint with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as a part of their Team in Training.

Do I have any experience swimming, running, or biking in competitions? No. Do I have a history of engaging in exercise activities on a regular basis? No. Have I exercised and been in shape at any point of my life? No. Am I going to kill myself trying to get in shape to participate in this event? Maybe. Hahaha, but I'm still going to try!

Check out my Team in Training web site where I add weekly updates on my progress towards being able to handle this event, and donate if you feel like it. It's a great cause, and I could use the support as I have $2200 to raise in order to be able to do the event.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I picked this up from my boyfriend's blog. He was George H. W. Bush :

You're considered boring by people that don't know you well. But like Bush senior, you do crazy things.
Maybe you'll end up banning broccoli in your house, or puking on the Prime Minster of Japan!

And these were my results:

You Are Most Like Bill Clinton

No doubt, your legacy may be a little seedier than you'd like.
But even though you've done some questionable things, you're still loved by almost all.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Need sleep...

I am sleep deprived. I have been going to bed well past midnight and getting up at 5:30 every morning to finish moving and everything involved in it. Making up hours at work because I had to take Monday off in order to work on moving has made it even worse. I want to find a coworker to lean up against so that I can sleep standing up at work. Although I'm sure that I could sleep standing up without someone to lean on. It just might be more obvious to others what was going on when I fell to the floor without someone to prop me up. All I want to do is get into bed and only get out after I'm completely rested, and even then I might stay in bed to read a book or something. Mmmmmm...bed. Thank God it's Friday. Now I need to go get a ginormous cup of coffee. Yes, I said ginormous. Now, coffee....