Friday, February 1, 2008

Need sleep...

I am sleep deprived. I have been going to bed well past midnight and getting up at 5:30 every morning to finish moving and everything involved in it. Making up hours at work because I had to take Monday off in order to work on moving has made it even worse. I want to find a coworker to lean up against so that I can sleep standing up at work. Although I'm sure that I could sleep standing up without someone to lean on. It just might be more obvious to others what was going on when I fell to the floor without someone to prop me up. All I want to do is get into bed and only get out after I'm completely rested, and even then I might stay in bed to read a book or something. Mmmmmm...bed. Thank God it's Friday. Now I need to go get a ginormous cup of coffee. Yes, I said ginormous. Now, coffee....