Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I have been so lazy of late. That and I'm exhausted from staying up all night for two nights of the last three. And yes, that is my fault, I could have been responsible and said wow, it's past midnight, or wow, it's three a.m., or wow, it's six in the morning...I need to get some sleep. But no, I am apparently not that responsible when it comes to sleep on the weekend. It seems fine to stay up until all hours on the weekend, I mean everyone works hard for their weekend time of no responsibility. However, I have no excuse for not exerting more wisdom when it is a Monday night and I stay up until 4:30 in the morning and then have to be to work at 7. There can be no illusion that Monday nights are somehow an extension of the weekend, it is the first night of the work week, and while doing fun activities can make it seem like a better week day, it is a terrible idea to have these activities last into Tuesday. Do I regret what I did while staying up all night Monday night? Absolutely not, but my body is cursing me for my lack of forethought, even though I blame it completely for my staying up in the first place. Sigh...

This makes me wonder if any one can control at will their ability to get a second wind or somehow control how hyperactive they get after staying up even a little past their normal bedtime. I just need more self control in general I guess.

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