1. To wander about or pass time languidly and aimlessly.
2. To yearn or pine as if infatuated.
3. Slang To expose one's buttocks in public as a prank or disrespectful gesture.
It is safe to say that number three is not applicable here. The other two, however, are equally viable. I am being a little aimless and languid today, although I'm not sure why exactly. I am also quite infatuated with my man, but while infatuation, foolish or all-absorbing passion, doesn't completely cover everything in that area, it is a fairly good assessment of my state of being at one extreme on occasion. Anyway...I'm being a bit listless and thought I should take the time to update my blog. I've abandoned it for a week! I'm sorry!
The only thing I can think of to report on is seeing the Bourne Ultimatum.
It was very enjoyable, although not as good as the first two, it wasn't half bad. However, the experience of seeing it was less than desirable. We arrived three minutes before it began and found the theatre completely packed. The only seats left together were on the third row. Yes...so far forward that I had to lean my head all the way back on the head rest in order to barely see the entirety of the screen. I do not wish to ever repeat that movie viewing experience in the future. It was way too close and left me with a krink in my neck, but the movie was good enough to overlook it. The seating made me distinctly aware of the way that the director, Paul Greengrass, tends to move the camera around when filming, and the extreme close-ups he employs too often that before never bothered me. It was amazing the difference a closer seat can make on a film experience.
Anyway, I recommend the movie. I enjoyed it and you might too.
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