This stuff is rather like the elixir of life for me most work day mornings. I usually get a medium of whatever the daily flavor happens to be, with lots of room for my cream. People like to say that I like a little coffee with my cream. I like to say that I like my coffee like I like my men, very white (which is so true in the case of my fair skinned red-headed man, but not a general statement to be misconstrued in any way). Cream just makes coffee better in my opinion, but please, no sugar...unless it's added in by way of chocolate, hahaha, and then I'm all for it. Mmmm...dark chocolate yummy.
Anyway, this morning I ran into a terrible dilemma. It was ridiculously hot outside on the walk over. If I'd been an ice cube, I don't think I could have been in any worse shape than I was when I finally made it into the coolness of the Reverie coffee shop. When trying to select my morning caffeine fix, I was torn between whether or not I should get a hot coffee or an iced coffee. An iced coffee was what the heat of the day required, but once I got back into the library I was sure to be subjected to the subzero temperatures of my work environment. So what should I do? Get something for the moment and the walk back? Or prepare for the inevitable inhospitable temperatures of my day ahead? I couldn't believe what a difficult decision this was to make.
Blended ice coffee wonderment?
Or rich creamy warm liquid caffeine?
It took me several minutes of going back and forth before I decided to be smart and plan for the future. I went for a hot cup of French Vanilla with my normal third cup of half and half to whiten it up. It was a good decision.
What would you have done?
1 comment:
I must say that I usually go for the hot coffee no matter how hot the temp is. But last week I got the mocha frappacino at starbucks in Target and holy cow was that thing good!! Of course, I got the grande or whatever the heck the largest size is called and had the jitters all day. But it was worth it....
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