I really enjoyed the fairy tale story of Stardust and the idea of a world beyond a wall, stars that fall as people, and pirates that poach lightening bolts from thunderclouds.
The part that I really enjoyed the most was hearing Neil Gaiman talk about how he got the ideas for writing the book, and it made me rather envious of his ability to put down his imaginings on paper and profit from it. I tend to indulge in my own fanciful notions on a daily basis, and I'm beginning to think that perhaps if I just wrote them down and developed them that perhaps I could have a writing career. I would not perhaps be the next J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman, but perhaps there is a place for my fancies on your shelf. I think that is something I'm going to develop for the future, a little notebook of ideas for possible writing fodder. We'll see if it gets me anywhere. You just never know.
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