Friday, October 12, 2007

a month? a whole month?

I can't believe it has been a whole month since my last post. That seems insane. However, time does tend to pass quickly these days. I have been at my new job for 13 days nows, and I'm loving it! The people I work with are awesome, and Stiefel Laboratories is just a great company to work for. No complaints so far whatsoever. I like working five days a week instead of four ten hour days. Leaving when 5:00 rolls around just feels right. I get free coffee and soda all day long, and there is nothing like running and getting a Milkyway Mochaccino in the afternoon to keep me hyped and happy. I'll be sure to do a more in depth post after I get back from my weekend in the mountains. But I felt like it was time for a short update.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just remember, Milkyway Mochaccino's aren't carrot juice. or something. It's not like they're good for you. Anyway, glad to hear that things are starting off well.